Responsive Design

Questions & Answers

  1. How does a developer choose which breakpoints to use?
    A developer can follow the Bootstrap guidlines for breaking points. These guidelines are 576px for portrait phones, 768px for tablets, 992px for laptops, and 1200px for large devices.
  2. What are media breakpoints?
    Media breaking points are how certain parts of the design will adapt to each different size screen. Breaking points are used in responisve web design.


  1. The Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design in 2020 (Code Samples). Kinsta. Published September 14, 2020. ‌Websites
  2. How To Use CSS Breakpoints For Responsive Design. LambdaTest. Published July 20, 2021. Accessed July 11, 2022. " ‌

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