Website Review 4:User Testing

Questions & Answers

  1. What is done in User Testing?
    During user testing the website is tested by real life users,experts, or automated programs to determine the ease of navigation, how smoothly a user can achieve their task,and user problems. User testablity is tested in 3 phases over the design of the website. These phases are early testing in explorative, midway in an assessment, and lastly in comparative testing. There is several ways to complete usability testing. Some of the ways are to have hallway testing, remote usability testing, expert review, paper prototypes, questionaires, and controlled experiments.

  2. How are different versions of browsers tested?
    Different browser versions are tested by Browser Emulators. These emulators let the designer see how their website functions on different versions of smartphones, tablets,and browsers. The designer can test for site responsiviness on these different platforms. On a Chrome browser you need to find the developer tools (F12) and then find the emulation tab and click on user agent string. Then, choose the browser that you would like to test your website in.


  1. Churm, Thomas. “An Introduction to Website Usability Testing.” Usability Geek, 26 Sept. 2019,
    Website Usability Testing
  2. Webb, David. “How to Emulate Other Browsers in Edge.” CCM, CCM, 16 Feb. 2022,

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