Website Review 1:


The purpose of this website is to give information about the Oneida Nation School System.

Questions & Answers

  1. Does the site's homepage validate?
    The Oneida Nation homepage does not validate.
  2. Find any other page on the site? Does the second page validate?
    The second webpage on the site is K-12 Project Learning days. The second page does not validate according to W3 validator.
  3. Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate.
    The Oneida Nation homesite has 9 errors and 24 warnings.The second page has 9 errors and 25 warnings.
  4. How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10(fantastic)? why?
    I would rate the site as a 7. The extra images are taking up too much space on the bottom. They extra images are the tribes other buisnesses and people will naviagate way from the site too easy. The fonts on the site are white, black and red and I think one color would be simplier and easier to read. The block links are helpful to the audience looking for information for grades, project days, and the calender.
  5. How would you rate the site's usability, on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10(fantastic)? why?
    The usability of this site would be a 7. The intended Audience who are parents will find majority of the information that they are looking for. The goal of the site is informative, and creates a school homepage. 10 of the 11 links listed go straight to the link. The links are outdated and the sports link states it is outdated. The Summer School link is for 2021. The covid 19 link has not been updated since January 2022.
  6. Does the site meet it's purpose?
    The site meets it's purpose of including relevent infromaton about the Oneida School System. Web users have 11 links to choose from school calenders, grade check, and can also contact staff if needed.
  7. back to website coding home page